For once (or maye more often) I will write this in English so that my friends form Odense can understand what I am saying. (#Newsflash# the rest of my blog is about me, using a lot of GGGGGG and so on. Learn Dutch # END NEWSFLASH )
It’s been an interesting few weeks. The classes were, but meeting new people from all across Europe (and the World) was even more. After last weekends BBQ the “stress” was on. The presentations were in sight. There were people with bad subjects who had good presentation skills and people with good subjects and bad skills. And there were even some who had a bad-bad ratio or even a good-good ratio. But all-in-all it was a good experience. Congratulations to all my friends who finished their presentation. For some it was the first time, and that is no small thing: in a foreign country in a foreign language.
For me the week has been a little bad, body-wise. I had a run on Tuesday and all of a sudden I have injuries to both my calves. Thank god/Allah/brahma/boeddha that my next big competition is not soon. Oh wait, it’s coming Sunday.
I called in the support troops. I had a consult with Sandeep (seen before in a picture, he is a fysiotherapist from India who works with the Indian National Team. He suspects it has to do with lack of recovery due to different dietary style here in Denmark. I think he has a point. I don not get nealry as much vegetables in as I do back home. So coming days will be filled with eating vegetable and fruits, having a multivitamin, drink well, have some NSAID’s and get some massages. I have been a late converter to the massage-faith. Only a few weeks ago I experienced it to work for me. Here in Danimarca I had some great help from Francesca, who does this a lot in Italy. Mille Grazie! Hopefully I will be able to compete next Sunday.
All in All it has been some great weeks. Tonight we have a nice diner at the university and then we will watch the Denmark-Nederland football game. A good end of 3 weeks here.
Frome here on it is back to the Dutch schoolbenches, but if all goes well maybe I will see some of the people in Rome, coming year.
See you soon and be well,
3 jaar geleden