zondag 24 mei 2009

Drugs are bad, mmmkay....

Zo gaat dat dus....

Het moest er een keer van komen en vandaag was het zover: de out of competition dopingcontrole. In het kader van Iron Transparency vallen alle pro-atleten die aan de start staan van de Frankfurter Sparkasse IRONMAN Germany onder strenge controle.

Lees verder

En als toetje analyse van dopinggebruik in sport aan de hand van de game-theorie.

In game theory, if no player has anything to gain by unilaterally changing strategies, the game is said to be in a Nash equilibrium. The concept was identified by mathematician John Forbes Nash, Jr., who was portrayed in the film A Beautiful Mind. To end doping in sports, the doping game must be restructured so that competing clean is in a Nash equilibrium. That is, the governing bodies of each sport must change the payoff values of the expected outcomes identified in the game matrix. First, when other players are playing by the rules, the payoff for doing likewise must be greater than the payoff for cheating. Second, and perhaps more important, even when other players are cheating, the payoff for playing fair must be greater than the payoff for cheating. Players must not feel like suckers for following the rules.


Buona notte e sogni d'oro

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